Donate using Venmo: MasjidAlSalam-ICSC or search for Masjid AlSalam-ICSC Rock Hill
Masjid Project:
The Rock Hill Masjid’s is currently trying to purchase the adjacent property that will allow for additional parking for the current location during Jummah. This will allow the masjid to be expanded for future needs as well as host outdoor Eid twice a year, construct a small playground for kids. potential for a small indoor gym for youth activities and an area to perform Islamic gooshal. Please help by making a large generous donation to acquire the land by emailing: or texting us 803-818-8862 with your name and contact details and someone will reach out to you. You can also use the following link as well: DONATE HERE!!
Donate using Credit/Debit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Cash App by clicking below or here:
All donations made online or in person will be used to support ongoing masjid operating expenses, future growth, expansion and improvement as needed. Jakallah Khayr
All Zakat donations are only accepted in Cash inside the Masjid using a designated marked envelope or in appropriate marked box.
Send contribution checks made payable to Islamic Center of South Carolina to the following address:
Masjid Al-Salaam
222 West Main Street
Rock Hill, SC 29730
You may also make direct deposit to our bank, Family Trust Federal Credit Union, account #100692 – Islamic Center of South Carolina, if you live near one of the branches.